Electrical adhesive tapes from Flextem

Quality and reliability for important industrial sectors

Electrical adhesive tapes play a crucial role in various industrial sectors, whether in the automotive industry, electrical and medical technology, transportation, advertising or printing. Flextem has earned a reputation for quality and reliability in the manufacture of electrical adhesive tapes, and for this reason companies in major industries rely on its products.

Here are some reasons why Flextem is highly regarded by companies in various industries

  • Quality and performance: Flextem’s electrical adhesive tapes are characterized by their high quality and performance. They are designed to meet the specific requirements and applications in various industries. Whether it’s securing electrical components in medical technology or attaching labels in the advertising industry, Flextem offers solutions that meet the highest standards.
  • Reliability: Flextem’s electrical adhesive tapes have proven themselves in industries where reliability is of the utmost importance. They offer consistent performance and liability, which is essential for smooth operation and safety in these industries.
  • Versatility: Flextem’s product range includes a wide range of electrical adhesive tapes suitable for various applications. From heat-resistant tapes in the automotive industry to conductive tapes in electronics production – the versatility of the products enables companies to find the right solution for their specific requirements.
  • Compliance with regulations: In industries such as medical technology and transportation, where strict regulations and standards apply, compliance with these requirements is crucial. Flextem’s electrical tapes often fulfill these requirements and help to ensure compliance and safety in these areas.
  • Customer support: In addition to high-quality products, Flextem also offers excellent customer support. This includes advice on choosing the right products, technical support and customized solutions to meet customers’ individual needs.

Flextem’s electrical adhesive tapes are an important component in the production and manufacturing processes of many companies in various industries. Their commitment to quality and reliability has helped to gain the trust of these companies and make them a preferred supplier of adhesive solutions. They therefore play a decisive role in supporting and promoting innovation and progress in these key industries.

Here are some reasons why Flextem is highly regarded by companies in various industries

MaterialbezeichnungAusführungen / Eigenschaften / Anwendungsmöglichkeiten
MetallbänderAbschirmbänder, Leit- und Kontaktbänder. Dampf- und Feuchtigkeitssperre
Doppelseitige KlebebänderSiebdruck- und Schilderindustrie, diverse Montagehilfen u.s.w
GalvanikabdeckbänderOberflächenschutz oder zur Abdeckung in galvanischen Prozessen. Z. B. in Lötbädern oder bei Pulverbeschichtungen
ReflektionsbänderAus Aluminium, PETP und PE alubedampft
SplicingbänderZum Splicen von kleberabweisenden Materialien (z. B. Folien und Silikonpapieren)
SchaumstoffbänderMit unterschiedlichen Klebern und Trägern
Teflon®Hochtemperaturbeständig mit ausgezeichneten Gleiteigenschaften
GewebebänderZum Bandagieren von Kabelbäumen, zur Kennzeichnung in verschiedenen Ausführungen erhältlich.
IsolierstoffklassenBasismaterialAnwendung / Eigenschaften
E / 90° CPVC FolienSchmiegsames Trägermaterial, gute Isolationseigenschaften, Chemikalien- und Witterungsbeständigkeit
A / 105 ° CPapier, Gewebe, VliesPreiswerte Bänder mit zum Teil guter Tränkmittelaufnahme
B / 130 ° CPolyesterfolien, Polyesterlaminate, PolyestervlieseIn verschiedenen Klebeversionen, Materialstärken, Farben und Materialkombinationen lieferbar. Zum Fixieren von Drähten, Folien usw.. Als Abschluss- oder Lagenisolation von Spulenwickeln.
F / 155° CNOMEX®Polyamidpapier für Hochtemperaturisolation, gute Tränkmittelannahme
F / 155° CNOMEX®-Laminates.o. jedoch mit erhöhter mechanischer Stabilität und Durchschlagsfestigkeit
F / 155° CGlasgewebe / NOMEX®Geschmeidige Lagenisolation
H / 180° CGlasgewebe / KAPTON®Je nach Anwendung kurzfristig bis 350°C einsetzbar